Wanted Suspects

If you have any information about these crimes or any person(s) involved, you are urged to call Crime Stoppers or submit a Web Tip.  You do not have to give your name CRIME STOPPERS will pay a cash reward of up to $1000 and you can remain anonymous.
Failure to Appear and Comply with Court Orders, a Felony
Name: Lasher, Kevin Lawrence
Gender: Male   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 01/30/1966   Age: 59
Height: 5ft 7in   Weight: 185 lbs
Hair:  Brown   Eyes: Brown

On September 23, 2016 a Warrant Upon Information was issued out of Montana Seventh Judicial District Court for the arrest of Kevin Lawrence Lasher for Felony Theft.  On October 18, 2016 a Bench Warrant of Arrest was issued for Kevin Lawrence Lasher out of Sidney City Court for Failing to Appear and Comply with Court Orders. Crimestoppers would like to remind everyone that it is a crime to knowingly harbor a person that is wanted by a law enforcement agency. 

Kevin Lawrence Lasher is 51 years of age, White Male, 5’7”, 185 lbs with blue eyes and brown hair.  On September 23, 2016 a warrant was issued out of District Court for the arrest of Kevin Lawrence Lasher for Felony Theft, this was issued after the Richland County Attorney’s Office filed a Information stating that on or about August 5, 2016 Kevin Lawrence Lasher obtained or exerted unauthorized control of property of over $1500.00 from a local business in Richland County. Bond was set by the judge at $1,000.00.  On October 18, 2016 a bench warrant was issued out of Sidney City Court for the arrest of Kevin Lawrence Lasher for Failing to Appear in court on October 17, 2017.   Original charges were traffic offenses of Driving while Suspended, Insurance violation and operating a vehicle when not properly registered.  Bond set at $1,000.00 by the judge.    Lasher was born in the state of Washington and records show that he has been living in both Washington and Montana.  In 2016 he was living in Sidney and information also show that he had been living in Bozeman, Montana.  Both Warrants can only be served in-state Montana Only.


 If you have any information about Kevin Lawrence Lasher, you are urged to call CRIMESTOPPERS at 433-6666 Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. You can also contact Crimestoppers in Richland County anytime (24/7) by going to our New Crimestoppers website at www.richlandcs.com then going to Submit a Web Tip or by texting the code “CSRC plus your message to: 274637 (CRIMES).  You can also contact the Richland County Sheriff’s Office at 406-433-2919 or Sidney Police Department at 406-433-2210.

Check out and Join our Richland County Crimestoppers, Facebook page.


Richland County Crimestopper is Wo
Contempt of Court-- Failure to Appear and Comply with Court Orders in violation of MCA 3-10-401. Bond $2,000.00. Extradite Montana Only.
Wanted as of April 14, 2017 date of Warrant January 13, 2015
Name: Hooker, Joshua Gerald
Alias: Josha G. Hooker
Gender: Male   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 07/25/1982   Age: 42
Height: 6ft 1in   Weight: 160 lbs
Hair:  Brown   Eyes: Brown
Case: C27A10355
Warrant: 6782

On January 13, 2015 a Bench Warrant was issued out of Justice Court in Richland County, Montana for Joshua Gerald Hooker for Failing to Appear and comply with Court Orders. Crimestoppers would like to remind everyone that it is a crime to knowingly harbor a person that is wanted by a law enforcement agency. 

Joshua Gerald Hooker is 34 years of age, White Male, 6’1”, 160 lbs with brown eyes and brown hair.  The subject had been charged with Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, 1st Offense on December 20, 2014.  He failed to comply with an order to appear in Richland County Justice Court on January 12, 2015.  On January 13, 2015 a Bench Warrant of Arrest was issued out of the Justice Court in Richland County, Montana; with a bond of $2,000.00 being sent by the Judge.  Joshua Gerald Hooker is from Arkansas, at the time of the DUI charge he gave a Savage address and stated that he was working for a company located in Fairview, Montana.  This warrant can be served in Montana Only.


 If you have any information about Joshua Gerald Hooker, you are urged to call CRIMESTOPPERS at 433-6666 Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. You can also contact Crimestoppers in Richland County anytime (24/7) by going to our New Crimestoppers website at www.richlandcs.com then going to Submit a Web Tip or by texting the code “CSRC plus your message to: 274637 (CRIMES).  You can also contact the Richland County Sheriff’s Office at 406-433-2919 or Sidney Police Department at 406-433-2210.

Check out and Join our Richland County Crimestoppers, Facebook page.


Richland County Crimestopper is Working

Issuing Bad Checks, a felony by common scheme. District Court Warrant Bond set at $5000.00 Ext. Montana and Surrounding States
Wanted as of April 7, 2017 date of warrant May 22, 2009
Name: Hennings, Eric Bon
Gender: Male   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 05/11/1972   Age: 52
Height: 6ft 1in   Weight: 165 lbs
Hair:  Black   Eyes: Brown
Warrant: DC-09-17

On May 22, 2009 a Warrant upon Information was issued out of Montana Seventh Judicial District Court in Richland County, Montana for Eric Bon Hennings for Issuing Bad Checks, a felony by common scheme.  Crimestoppers would like to remind everyone that it is a crime to knowingly harbor a person that is wanted by a law enforcement agency. 

Eric Bon Hennings is 54 years of age, White Male, 6’1””, 165 lbs with brown eyes and black hair.  The subject is charged with issuing bad checks by common scheme when he issued checks to businesses and individuals in Fairview and Sidney from August to September of 2007 that were returned Non-sufficient funds in account.  The total amount of checks written is over $2500.00.   On May 18, 2009 the Richland County Attorney’s Office filed an Information with the court requesting that a warrant of arrest be issued for Eric Bon Hennings for Issuing Bad Checks, a felony by common scheme. On May 22, 2009 a Warrant upon Information was signed by the District Judge and bond was set at $5000.00.   Eric Bon Hennings was living in Sidney and Fairview Montana in 2007, with many of the checks being issued to businesses in Fairview and may have left the state soon after issuing the non-sufficient fund checks.  Eric Bon Hennings is from California and may have returned to that area.   This warrant can be served in Montana and Surrounding States that include ND,SD WY and ID.


 If you have any information about Eric Bon Hennings, you are urged to call CRIMESTOPPERS at 433-6666 Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. You can also contact Crimestoppers in Richland County anytime (24/7) by going to our New Crimestoppers website at www.richlandcs.com then going to Submit a Web Tip or by texting the code “CSRC plus your message to: 274637 (CRIMES).  You can also contact the Richland County Sheriff’s Office at 406-433-2919 or Sidney Police Department at 406-433-2210.

Richland County Crimestopper is Working

Bench Warrant of Arrest -- Contempt of Court Failure to Appear- Sidney City Court
Bond $1,000.00 Warrant can be served in Montana Only.
Wanted as of March 31, 2017 date of warrant October 4, 2016
Name: Hager, Brannon Lee
Gender: Male   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 03/07/1988   Age: 36
Height: 6ft 3in   Weight: Unknown
Hair:  Brown   Eyes: Brown
Case: W16-00028
Warrant: TK-2016-9398

On October 4, 2016 a Bench Warrant of Arrest was issued out of Sidney City Court in Richland County, Montana for Brannon Lee Hager for Contempt of Court.  Crimestoppers would like to remind everyone that it is a crime to knowingly harbor a person that is wanted by a law enforcement agency. 

Brannon Lee Hager is 29 years of age, White Male, 6’3””, 360 lbs with brown eyes and brown hair.  The subject had originally charged with Driving while under the Influence of Alcohol and Failure to Carry/Exhibit Proof of Liability insurance. On October 4, 2016 the Sidney City Court Judge issued a Bench Warrant for the Arrest of  Brannon Lee Hager for Contempt of Court for failure to appear, with a bond of $1,000.00 being sent by the Judge.  Brannon Lee Hager was living in Sidney, Montana as of April of 2016 and has lived in California in the past.  This warrant can be served in Montana Only and is Instate pick-up only.


 If you have any information about Brannon Lee Hager, you are urged to call CRIMESTOPPERS at 433-6666 Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. You can also contact Crimestoppers in Richland County anytime (24/7) by going to our New Crimestoppers website at www.richlandcs.com then going to Submit a Web Tip or by texting the code “CSRC plus your message to: 274637 (CRIMES).  You can also contact the Richland County Sheriff’s Office at 406-433-2919 or Sidney Police Department at 406-433-2210.

Richland County Crimestopper is Working


Brench Warrant - Failure to Appear No Bond
Wanted as of March 3, 2017 date of warrant June 22, 2016
Name: Cole, Bradlee Shane
Alias: Brad Cole, Bradley Cole, Bradley S. Cole and Brad Shane Cole
Gender: Male   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 06/22/1978   Age: 46
Height: 5ft 7in   Weight: 155 lbs
Hair:  Brown   Eyes: Green
Case: 16-S02198
Warrant: DC-15-81

On June 22, 2016 a Bench warrant was issued out of Seventh Judicial District Court in Richland County Montana for Bradlee Shane Cole for Contempt of Court --Failure to Appear for his sentencing hearing, with original charges of (1) Fleeing from or eluding peace officer by failing to stop for emergency lights and siren, a Misdemeanor; (2) Driving while suspended or Revoke, a Misdemeanor; (3) Driving under the influence of any drug 6th offence, a Felony; (4) Obstructing a peace officer, a Misdemeanor; (5) Criminal Endangerment by driving into oncoming traffic, multiple times, and driving in excess of 120 mph while eluding, a Felony.  Crimestoppers would like to remind everyone that it is a crime to knowingly harbor a person that is wanted by a law enforcement agency. 

Bradlee Shane Cole is 38 years of age, White male, 5’7”, 155 lbs with green eyes and brown hair.  The subject failed to appear a sentencing hearing that was set for in Seventh Judicial District Court; hence warrants for failure to appear were issued.  The Bench Warrants for his arrest were issued on June 22, 2016 in the District Court Judge with No amount of bond being set by the Judge.  Bradlee Shane Cole was born in Texas, has lived in North Dakota, but at time of arrest was homeless living in the Sidney area.  This warrant can be served in Montana or Western United States, except for the states of California or Texas.


 If you have any information about Bradlee Shane Cole, you are urged to call CRIMESTOPPERS at 433-6666 Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. You can also contact Crimestoppers in Richland County anytime (24/7) by going to our New Crimestoppers website at www.richlandcs.com then going to Submit a Web Tip or by texting the code “CSRC plus your message to: 274637 (CRIMES).  You can also contact the Richland County Sheriff’s Office at 406-433-2919 or Sidney Police Department at 406-433-2210

Richland County Crimestopper is Working

Bench Warrant - Fail to Appear for sentencing- Original charge: Felony Drug possession
Wanted as of 2/24/17 date of warrant 8/20/15
Name: Anderson, Tyler Quon
Gender: Male   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 05/29/1986   Age: 38
Height: 6ft 2in   Weight: 165 lbs
Hair:  Black   Eyes: Brown
Case: DC-14-106
Warrant: Bench Warrant

On August 20, 2015 a Bench warrant was issued out of Seventh Judicial District Court in Richland County Montana for Tyler Quon Anderson for Contempt of Court --Failure to Appear for his sentencing hearing, with original charge of Possession of a dangerous drug, a felony.  Crimestoppers would like to remind everyone that it is a crime to knowingly harbor a person that is wanted by a law enforcement agency. 

Tyler Quon Anderson is 30 years of age, White male, 6’2”, 165 lbs with brown eyes and black hair.  The subject failed to appear a sentencing hearing that was set for in Seventh Judicial District Court; hence warrants for failure to appear were issued.  The Bench Warrants for his arrest were issued on August 20, 2015 in the District Court Judge with $10,000.00 being set by the Judge.  Tyler Quon Anderson was born in California, has lived in Oregon, Alexander, North Dakota, and was living in Sidney, Montana in 2015.  This warrant can be served in Montana or Surrounding States (ND,SD,WY and ID) Only


 If you have any information about Tyler Quon Anderson, you are urged to call CRIMESTOPPERS at 433-6666 Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. You can also contact Crimestoppers in Richland County anytime (24/7) by going to our New Crimestoppers website at www.richlandcs.com then going to Submit a Web Tip or by texting the code “CSRC plus your message to: 274637 (CRIMES).  You can also contact the Richland County Sheriff’s Office at 406-433-2919 or Sidney Police Department at 406-433-2210

Richland County Crimestopper is Working

Failure to Appear, Misdemeanor

Bond $10,000.00
Wanted as of 02/04/2016
Name: Lowry, Jacob Daniel
Gender: Male   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 12/07/1983   Age: 41
Height: 5ft 11in   Weight: 200 lbs
Hair:  Brown   Eyes: Blue
Case: 16-S00424
Warrant: Bench Warrant

On February 04, 2016 two Bench warrants were issued out of Sidney City Court for Jacob Daniel Lowry for Failure to Appear, with original charges on the both warrants of Operating a Motor Vehicle with Suspended drivers license and Operating a Motor Vehicle with no Liability Insurance in effect, all Misdemeanor.  Crimestoppers would like to remind everyone that it could be a crime to assist or harbor a person wanted on criminal charges.

Jacob Daniel Lowry is 32 years of age, White male, 5’11”, 200 lbs with blue eyes and brown hair.  The subject failed to appear for a Bench Trial that was set for February 3, 2016; hence warrants for failure to appear were issued.  The Bench Warrants for his arrest were issued on February 04, 2016 in Sidney City Court with a total bond of $10,000.00 bond set.  Jacob Lowry was living in Sidney at time of the original charges, but has lived in Fairview, Pablo and Lockwood, Montana.  His is also known to have lived in the state of Washington at one time.  This warrant can be served only in the State of Montana


 If you have any information about Jacob Daniel Lowry, you are urged to call Crime Stoppers at 433-6666 or submit a Web Tip.  You do not have to give your name CRIME STOPPERS will pay a cash reward of up to $1000 and you can remain anonymous.

Richland County Crimestopper is Working

Petition for Revocation (violating terms of suspended sentence)
Bond 1000.00, Extradition is only in Montana
Wanted as of March 30, 2015 date of Warrant September 4, 2014
Name: Bacy, Ronald Brian
Alias: Ronald Bacy
Gender: Male   Race: Black
DOB: 02/05/1979   Age: 46
Height: 6ft 3in   Weight: 175 lbs
Hair:  Black   Eyes: Brown
Case: 14-S03812
Warrant: Warrant for Petition for Revocation

On September 04, 2014 a warrant was issued out of Sidney City Court for Ronald Brian Bacy for violating conditions of his suspended sentence, a Misdemeanor.  Ronald Brian Bacy was charged with Aggravated DUI on February 14, 2014 by the Sidney Police Department and on June 23, 2014 he was sentenced on the charges. On September 04, 2014 the Richland County Attorney filed a Petition for Revocation due to the fact that Ronald Brian Bacy had violated conditions of his suspended sentence that he had imposed by Sidney City Court in June of 2014; hence a Warrant of Arrest was issued for his arrest with bond being set at $1000.00 

Ronald Brian Bacy is 36 years of age, black male, 6’3””, 175 lbs with brown eyes and Black hair.  He had been working in the oil field in our area.  Ronald was living in the Sidney Area and had moved to Montana from the California. He had a California Driver License with a Sacramento, California address.  At the time of the traffic stop he was driving a 1987 Blue Plymouth with Montana plates. The warrant for Ronald Brian Bacy is a misdemeanor and extradition is only in Montana.

 If you have any information about Ronald Brian Bacy, you are urged to call Crime Stoppers at 433-6666 or submit a Web Tip.  You do not have to give your name CRIME STOPPERS will pay a cash reward of up to $1000 and you can remain anonymous.

Richland County Crimestoppers is working. 


Failure to Appear (original Charges Disorderly Conduct and Assault
Wanted as of July 2,2014 date of warrant June 17, 2014
Name: Williford, Kristian Sheree
Alias: Kristian S. Williford or Kristan Sheree Williford
Gender: Female   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 02/04/1991   Age: 34
Height: 5ft 4in   Weight: 130 lbs
Hair:  Blond   Eyes: Blue
Case: 14-S02425
Warrant: Failure to Appear Bench Warrant of Arrest

On June 17, 2014 a warrant was issued out of Sidney City Court for Kristian Sheree Williford for Failure to Appear, a Misdemeanor.  Kristian Williford was charged with Disorderly Conduct and Misdemeanor Assault on November 24, 2013 by the Sidney Police Department.  On March 17, 2014 a hearing was set by the court and Williford failed to appear and has made no contact with the Court, hence a Bench Warrant of Arrest was issued for her arrest with bond being set at $1000.00 

Kristian Sheree Williford is 23 years of age.  She is White, 5’4”, 130 lbs with blue eyes and Blond or Strawberry hair.  She has lived in Florida and Montana in the past and had a Florida Drivers License at the time of the original charges.  She has used the names Kristian S. Williford and Kistan Sheree Williford in the past.  Williford was living in Sidney, Mt at the time of her arrest.

 If you have any information about Kristian Sheree Williford, you are urged to call Crime Stoppers at 433-6666 or submit a Web Tip.  You do not have to give your name CRIME STOPPERS will pay a cash reward of up to $1000 and you can remain anonymous.

Richland County Crimestoppers is working.
2 counts of Failure to appear each warrants bond was set at $2000.00. Misdemeanor warrant can be served in Montana only.
Wanted as of April 30, 2014 date of Warrants March 5, 2014
Name: Rybolt, Jacob Lee
Alias: Jake Rybolt
Gender: Male   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 09/02/1982   Age: 42
Height: 6ft 1in   Weight: 200 lbs
Hair:  Brown   Eyes: Brown
Case: 14-S00871
Warrant: Failure to Appear

On March 5, 2014 two (2) Bench Warrants were issued out of Sidney City Court for the arrest of Jacob Lee Rybolt for the first warrant was issued for Failure to Appear on March 3, 2014 on charges Rybolt had received on February 6, 2014 for Aggravated DUI and Driving while privilege to do so is suspended or revoked.  Bond was set at $2000.00.  The second warrant was issued for Failure to Appear on March 3, 2014 on charges Rybolt had received on February 23, 2014 for DUI 2nd Offense and Disorderly Conduct.  Bond was set at $2000.00.  

Jacob Lee Rybolt is 31 years of age.  He is White, 6’1”, 200 lbs with brown eyes and brown hair.  He has lived in Missouri, Iowa, Texas and North Dakota in the past and was or still is working in the Williston and Sidney Area.  At the time of the original stop he was driving a 2002 White Dodge Pickup with Texas plates and had a suspended Iowa Drivers License.

 If you have any information about Jacob Lee Rybolt, you are urged to call Crime Stoppers at 433-6666 or submit a Web Tip.  You do not have to give your name CRIME STOPPERS will pay a cash reward of up to $1000 and you can remain anonymous.

Richland County Crimestoppers is working. 


Bench Warrant --Failure to Appear in Montana Seventh Judicial District Court in Richland County Bond $15,000.00
Wanted as of 01/22/2014 Date of Warrant 12/16/2013
Name: Fly, Derrick Ray
Gender: Male   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 02/15/1991   Age: 33
Height: 5ft 11in   Weight: 180 lbs
Hair:  Brown   Eyes: Blue
Case: DC-13-99 SPD Case # 14-S00016
Warrant: Failure to Appear

On December 16, 2013 a Bench Warrant was issued out of Richland County District Court for the arrest of Derrick Ray Fly for Failure to Appear for initial appearance in Montana Seventh Judicial District Court, in Richland County.   Derrick Ray Fly was originally charged in November of 2013 for Violation of Order of Protection, a felony.  He was bound over to District Court from Sidney City Court and failed to appear.    Bond has been set at $15,000.00 and may be served in Montana and Surrounding States (N.D. WY. & ID).

Derrick Ray Flay was born in Tennessee and is 22 years of age.  He is white, 5’11”, 180 lbs with blue eyes and brown hair.  He has lived in Montana and North Dakota and was living in Fairview, North Dakota at the time of his original charge in November of 2013

 If you have any information about Derrick Ray Fly, you are urged to call Crime Stoppers at 433-6666 or submit a Web Tip.  You do not have to give your name CRIME STOPPERS will pay a cash reward of up to $1000 and you can remain anonymous.

Richland County Crimestoppers is working. 

Contempt of Court (Failing to Appear) Sidney City Court
Warrant can be served in Montana ONLY Bond $2000.00

Wanted as of October 29, 2013 date of Warrant October 15, 2013
Name: Bingham, Kyle Allen
Alias: Kyle Bendel
Gender: Male   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 12/16/1990   Age: 34
Height: 6ft 0in   Weight: 145 lbs
Hair:  Brown   Eyes: Hazel
Case: 13-S04867
Warrant: Contempt of court - Bench Warrant

On October 15, 2013 a Warrant of Arrest was issued out of Sidney City Court for the arrest of Kyle Allen Bingham for Contempt of Court –Failure to Appear.   The warrant of arrest was issued after he failed to appear on October 15, 2013 for sentencing.  Kyle Allen Bingham was originally charged in May of 2013 on two different occasions  with (1) Fail to Carry Proof of Insurance, (2) Aggravated DUI, (3) Fail to have Drive License in Possession while operating Motor Vehicle and (4) Unlawful use of License or ID Card.    Bond has been set at $200.00 and may be served in the state of Montana only.

Kyle Allen Bingham was born in New Mexico and is 22 years of age.  He is white, 6’, 145 lbs with hazel eyes and brown hair.  He has lived in Montana and Idaho and was driving a 2002 Tan Toyota pickup with Idaho plates at the time of his arrest in May of 2013

 If you have any information about Kyle Allen Bingham, you are urged to call Crime Stoppers at 433-6666 or submit a Web Tip.  You do not have to give your name CRIME STOPPERS will pay a cash reward of up to $1000 and you can remain anonymous.

Richland County Crimestoppers is working. 

Failure to Appear in District Court for Judge Trial out of Montana Seventh Judicial District Court Extradition Western part of United States
Wanted as of September 18,2013 date of warrant August 22, 2013
Name: Lapcheske Jr., Paul Nelson
Alias: Christopher Lapcheske, Paul Lapcheski
Gender: Male   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 02/22/1965   Age: 59
Height: 5ft 11in   Weight: 170 lbs
Hair:  Brown   Eyes: Blue
Case: DC-12-60 SPD # 13-S03796
Warrant: Bench Warrant

On August 22, 2013 a Bench Warrant of Arrest was issued out of The Montana Seventh Judicial District Court in Richland County for the arrest of Paul Nelson Lapcheske, Jr for Failure to Appear.   Paul Nelson Lapcheske, Jr was originally arrested for being in Operating a Motor Vehicle while under the Influence of Alcohol 4th or subsequent Offense and Driving while suspended or Revoked on September 21, 2012. A bond of $20,000.00 (Twenty thousand dollars) has been set by the District Judge on this Felony Warrant and the warrant can be served in Western United States.

Paul Nelson Lapcheske, Jr was born in California and is 45 years of age.  He is white, 5’11”, 170 lbs with blue eyes and brown hair.  He has lived in California, New Mexico, Idaho and most recently in Montana.

If you have any information about Paul Nelson Lapcheske, Jr, you are urged to call Crime Stoppers or submit a Web Tip.  You do not have to give your name CRIME STOPPERS will pay a cash reward of up to $1000 and you can remain anonymous.

Richland County Crimestoppers is working. 

Bench Warrant out of Montana Seventh Judicial District Court - Failure to Perform conditions of release. No Bond -- Extradite adjoining States
Wanted as of September 11,2013 date of warrant August 2, 2013
Name: Kropp, .Jeremy James
Alias: James Thomas Kropp, Jeffrey William Kropp, Jeremy Eugene Kreps and Jeremy Jones Krupp
Gender: Male   Race: Caucasian
DOB: 02/12/1975   Age: 49
Height: 5ft 9in   Weight: 170 lbs
Hair:  Brown   Eyes: Brown
Case: DC-13-26 (SPD case no. 13-S03596
Warrant: Bench Warrant

On August 2, 2013 a Bench Warrant of Arrest was issued out of The Montana Seventh Judicial District Court in Richland County for the arrest of Jeremy James Kropp for Failure to Perform Conditions of Release.   Jeremy James Kropp was originally arrested for Being in Actual Physical Control of a Motor Vehicle while under the Influence of Alcohol 4th or subsequent Offense on March 21, 2013. No bond has been set by the District Judge on this Felony Warrant and the warrant can be served in Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming and Idaho.

Jeremy James Kropp was born in Michigan and is 38 years of age.  He is white, 5’9”, 172 lbs with brown eyes and dark brown hair.  He has lived in Michigan and most recently in Williston, ND.

14 Records